Do you have a view of what you’d like your culture to be, but it’s not quite being lived out in your organisation?

Download our [FREE] Guide – 6 steps to understanding culture

The impact of a healthy, positive culture on organisational performance is significant in terms of productivity, creativity, employee retention and ultimately the bottom line. Recent research shows that public companies with healthy cultures are 1.5 times more likely to experience revenue growth.

At Flint we define organisational culture as being “the way that things are done around here” but it’s not always easy to manage when it’s not quite working.

It is the intangible, unique accumulation of key elements that combine to make it either a positive or negative factor in the performance of your business.

Overwhelmed at the thought of where to start?

We have developed a model incorporating the six primary factors that impact an organisation’s culture:
  1. Clarity of purpose
  2. Measures and Goals
  3. Values and Behaviours
  4. Symbols, rituals & stories
  5. Communication
  6. Ways of Working
In our FREE guide we share with you:
Our 6 step model
Show you how you can assess your own organisation
Tips on how to use the model
How to understand where your gaps are


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