Creating Pace in Delivery | Ignite Change - Take Action Handbook | Flint Change|

Creating pace in delivery

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Our Ignite Change – Take Action Handbook gives businesses the tools they need to engage their people and increase the effectiveness and pace of delivering new strategies. Your strategic goals need to be more than just a poster that is paid lip-service to.

The aim is to create pace and accountability within your organisation. It means that performance management is part of regular conversations and not just part of a standard quarterly appraisal process that can be a ‘tick box’ exercise.

The idea is to talk about your progress weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. Your strategic narrative and goals needs to be captured in a live document, to support real and meaningful conversations. It then allows you to adapt as your business moves with the times as we all now priorities can and do change as the world around us changes.

How does it work?

Within our Take Action Handbook, we have a meeting framework that supports you in keeping the regular conversations going.  It does look different in each organisation, but many of the principles remain the same.

  • The WAG (Weekly Action Group) happens every week. It’s a “standing room only” type of meeting that involves front line teams. With your strategic narrative as the backdrop, it allows you to see any pressing issues that could cause a risk to delivering against your plan. It’s likely to be very customer focussed, possibly even looking into specific customer issues or concerns. It’s a really good start to ensuring that the employee voice is heard as we have a formal environment to hear about operational issues and concerns. It’s also a great opportunity to say thank you when issues are resolved or avoided.
  • The MOM is the Monthly Operational Meeting. This is highly likely to be a meeting that many organisations already have. Again, your strategic narrative forms the backdrop to the meeting; ensuring that the teams keep on strategy and be clear that they are focussing on the right things. It’s important to make sure that issues, concerns or celebrations are raised from the WAG, as this means that the employee voice is being heard. It’s a little more formal in its approach.

By checking progress month on month, it allows you to see risks quickly and deal with them to get things back on track. It means that messages can be cascaded back through the WAG to make sure that the employee voice is not only heard but responded to in a timely manner.

  • The QUAC (affectionately termed QUACmas) is a Quarterly Action Check. This brings all of the areas together on a quarterly basis to see if all of the jigsaw pieces are in place. It checks the strategy is on track and gives you the opportunity to be agile if it needs to evolve.

It’s also an opportunity for teams to present back on where they are. There is real power in this session, as often groups of peers are keen to present back to each other and want to make sure that they are delivering in line with each other.

  • Finally, the ARMS (Annual Roadmap Strategy) takes all of the data and information from employees, along with the strategy and goals of the organisation and begins to set a plan for the following year.

We’d love to support you to implement this in a way that works with your culture and approach. Drop us a line.